Friday, October 26, 2007

Halloween at Arlington Court

We became members of the National Trust back in July but haven't actually been anywhere to use our membership - til now; partly because of the lousy summer we had and partly because there really is only one National Trust place to visit in North Devon. So today we christened our card and went to Arlington Court for their Halloween Fun Day.

There was a bat trail around the grounds. We found a few bat cards full of information but the novelty soon wore off. They were more interested in the craft room where they sat for ages making bat masks. We then went off for a quick run around the grounds, managed to walk quietly around the inside of the house, and then came home again.

Tonight there is a Halloween Walk where the staff dress up and act out a scary story. Walkers follow them around the grounds through various scary tunnels and across dark muddy fields where witches and ghouls wait to jump out at you. We've done this twice in previous years so tonight we'll stay wrapped up in the warm. I can recommend giving it a go though - if your children are brave and you have a good sense of humour!


Anonymous said...

We went along to the halloween evening, and talked relitives into going, as we expeted it to be a two hour walk over the grounds and advised it may be scary for young children. as goules and ghosts will be about, The whole thing was a shambles and lasted for about fifty minutes, with a Batman and Robin theme play. The best performance came from the two horses, they knew what to do and when.
All around the only moaning and groaning came from outher visitors with views that it was not at all scary, and a total waste of money. Im sorry to say but this year your report would say could do better. Though I feel it had some laughs through the pathetic acting with the constant torch flashing as actors checked the script of sorts. Looking forward to next year as I like Delboy and Rodders.

devongirlie said...

Sorry to hear you had a rubbish time. Still it'll be something to tell the grandchildren about one day!
I have taken note for future blog posts - National Trust staff, don't give up the day job!